Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dang is back in the building!

Enough with the silence! Yesterday, I told my boss that I cannot work at the shop anymore. I felt bad but at the same time relieved. I have left my blogging in hiatus for a while because of jobs outside and inside my house. I am glad that even with the "crisis", Sew Perfect customers still flock at this time of year. Yes, this has hushed me. But even Rachel Ray, who talks a lot, I mean, A LOT! and fast and seemingly tireless, on her cooking show, shall also be hushed, to have surgery to remove a cyst from her throat that has caused her voice to be hoarse.... but not for long.

I have been tagged by Emarene. Not that anybody would be interested but I am sharing 8 random things about me. I am taking up this "tag" challenge for my fellow blogger and friend, Emarene. So, here goes....
1 - I love to dance. As a child, I wanted to enroll in ballet school. I can't remember what exactly happened but I ended up learning how to hula which, I believe, until now I can still perform with the same ol' charm... well, it's not a party dance but line dancing is! and I love to party... so line dancing it is!
2 - I have at least 50 pairs of shoes and more than 2 dozens handbags/purses... what girl can't have enough?
3 - I have type2 diabetes. After I have lost 10 pounds since my diagnosis last year, the doctor wants me to lose another 10. Then, maybe my daily medication can be discontinued. Why is it so hard to lose this weight that I easily gained?
4 - There is always a surplus of jobs in the medical field. I am thinking about shifting careers. Should I go back to school? Can this rusty brain still make it? Seriously, I've been contemplating about Radiology.
5 - I love shopping. It doesn't have to be for myself. If some rich girl hires me to be her shopper, hah! that would be the dream job.... yes, dream.
6 - Very cheesy, indeed, but my favorite food is peanut butter. There is never a day that I don't have a PB sandwich... like I am craving for one right now as I write.
7 - In my last couple of years in college, Saturdays were reserved for what we called "Afternoon Disco" with my friends. I would save up some from my daily allowance so I can go disco-ing in the weekend. Oh, what fun!
8 - I still love to watch my kids while they are sleeping... they are still my babies.

Now, I’m tagging anyone of you who is interested to share some trivia about yourself. I do not have a list so it can be anyone who wants to share a little bit of herself/himself.

The rules:

1 - Each participant starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2 - People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3 - At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their name.
4 - Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.

If you decide to participate, link back here in the comments section so that I could learn a little bit more about you! Have fun!

Kalidadis-ly yours,



Dang S. said...

I just finished my PB sandwich... yum!

emarene said...

50 shoes? sigurado ka? did you count kadtong naa sa garage? how about the boots, gi-apil ba nimo?

if you study again, I will miss your blog...