Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh My Lefty!

I may belong to a family of artists but I do not have the hand of a painter like my Lolo and some uncles & cousins did/do, instead, I show my artistic talent in my cake decorating, among other things. It is a hobby that would sometimes generate some income.... not a lot but the satisfaction, pricless!

Back in the day, when Iligan was home, I teamed up with my friend, Lally, and we had fun making wedding cakes for friends. We agreed on everything.... well, except for one.... I cannot finish icing a layer if she starts it. Oh, my lefty! I cannot go counter clockwise like she does!

On May 25th, Bong and I will have been married for 25 years... yes, silver it is! We are celebrating on a weekend so very good friends from Canada can be with us... and this time, I will be making my own wedding (or is it anniversary?) cake.... watch out for future postings to see how well I have done!

1 comment:

emarene said...

Yeey! cake and wedding and party! We will be there!