Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thursday was Thanksgiving Day. A modest feast of salad, roast beef and some pasta and couscous made for us a wonderful dinner. Thanks to my daughters, Jas & Gem, who helped prepare and clean up. Cramped in our dining table for six with our guest family, Melvin, Faith & Brandon, nobody was complaining about elbows touching or having to constantly pass something around. With much to be thankful for, I praise God!

Of course, the next day was the 'biggest sale' day of the year. I am sure the very early birds were at the door of their favorite stores, hanging out with the other people who are already in line even before the doors open, to get their hands on that seemingly important thingy which is on sale. I went to the mall when I decided that it was not too early anymore... bought a few things here and there and watched the shoppers go past me, some hurriedly, some leisurely. My attention was especially on these three women, they might be sisters, who were in some sort of "we're- gonna- get-that-sale" attire. Each of them wore a red shirt with the word "HO" printed on the front. Walking aongside each other it read "HO, HO, HO". Each one was wearing a Santa hat with the white pom at the end of a sping which made it bounce back and forth every time they take a step. Over the red shirt, each wore a pink full-zip hoodie. When they get past you, you just want to turn your back and take a second look. Then you can see the words "The Pink Nightmare" across their backs. One can deduce that they really planned for this day. Oh what people do! Guess what I bought for myself? .... A pair of black leather boots! What?! I threw away my old one because they were already worn out--- justified!

Thank you dear God for the gift of life and peace... and for my new pair of shoes.

Kalidadis-ly yours,



emarene said...

Of course, what else is new? So, you now have 52 pairs! (I am sure there is no you did not declare)

emarene said...

sorry, it should have read
there is one more you did not declare!

Dang S. said...

i said, "i have at least 50 pairs..." so with the one more pair, my sentence is still true.
kalidadis-ly yours,
dang s.