Sunday, November 16, 2008


I have two part-time jobs which is almost 26 miles each from home and which I go to on different days. It takes me about 35 minutes to get there and during this time, a lot of things play in my mind. I become so busy thinking that one day, I missed my exit and wasted 10 minutes of my morning commute. Another day, I went the way to my other work instead of the other work... Ayayay!

One of the things I think about is what to blog when I get home. Once at home, I immediately attend to the dishes left on the sink by my kids who got home earlier and then get dinner going. Then, I have to run down to the laundry to move the clothes that I put in the washer, before I left in the morning, to the dryer.
By the time my chores are done, I am already tired and I have forgotten what I thought of writing about. Today's first reading (Proverbs 31: 10-31) is about the worthy wife. And to think that she had to obtain flax and wool to weave into clothing while I just go to the store to get a ready made one. Do I still have time for others in need like she did? I am not even doing half of what she did and I am already exhausted! May God bless me so I can bring my family only good... all the days of my life. Amen.

Kalidadis-ly yours,



DiMouli said...

Uuyyyy S lang kaayo ko nilang duha...
how sweet!

imong migo.


emarene said...

what a cutie!

Seriously, we still complain in this age of microwave and TV dinner, while in those times they had to knead the dough for bread. Arrgghh.

p.s. Can you convince Ms Eigh to write a short entry about her Where She Is Now? I know you can convince her.